Moodboard 06/20
























Lately online (clockwise): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

  1. What’s the best way to finish off the decoration of an elegant room? You can’t go wrong with a face statue.
  2. The perfect envelope for a bohemian wedding invite!
  3. What can make a beautiful dress to look even better? Well, a sexy trained body can make all the difference.
  4. Hues of pink and dark brown-orangy fabrics are in full trend this year!! You can use these colors to decorate your house as well as your wardrobe ;P
  5. Beach please…literally!
  6. Always take cover at the beach, especially in Cyprus; sun burning is no fun!
  7. Shadow games are always my favorite in any type of form and especially when it is from a plan that moves, and the shadow changes according to time! Absolute love.
  8. This portrait shot is so mesmerizing. I love her natural freckles, but look at the shapes created by the makeup; it’s so poetic!


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